The 2nd stage of training for crews of RWŁC-10/T
WZŁ Nr 1 S.A. started delivery of training under the 2nd stage of the contract regarding refurbishment of Mobile Communications Shelters RWŁC-10/T. Sixteen full-time crews, i.e. 48 soldiers, will be trained from 8 May to 25 June 2024. The three-day training cycles include training on the upgraded radio relay R-450A-02, new line termination unit, router ZZL-12E1-02, P-1 computer, new CISCO IP phone and SMIKO application for monitoring and control. Training courses, ending with an exam, are held on the premises of WZŁ Nr 1 S.A. and are divided into theoretical and practical parts. A follow-up training for crews that were trained under the 1st phase of the contract, i.e. 126 soldiers, and training for 48 military trainers will also be conducted.
The training is carried out as part of a contract signed in 2022 (a consortium of WZŁ Nr 1 S.A. and Transbit Sp. z o. o.) with the Armament Agency for refurbishment of 58 RWŁC-10/T shelters. The contract covers refurbishment of the shelters with latest technical solutions, including modifications to the data communications system, radio relay, cabling and power supply system, as well as improvement of the manned area. In the first stage our company delivered 42 refurbished shelters while in the second stage another 16 shelters will be refurbished. The contract is scheduled to be completed by the end of June 2024.