Technical Support Shelters

Wojskowe Zakłady Łączności Nr 1 S.A. is the final integrator of Technical Support Shelters in the Polish configuration of the Patriot anti-aircraft and anti-missile system in the first phase of the Vistula Program. The containers are divided into three types:

Battery Maintenance Center (BMC)

It plays the role of an organizational maintenance center at the battery level; is a storage facility for tools and test and measurement equipment used for diagnostics and faults. Equipped with 3 fiber-optic ports for external Internet Protocol (IP) support; primary radar support connectivity (RMSS) (a fiber-optic link to the radar interface at the same site (RIU) providing continuous remote diagnostic monitoring and logistics) and voice connectivity (Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP); it supports both red and black networks.

Intermediate Support Element (ISE)

It plays the role of an intermediate battery service support center; is a storage of parts required for diagnostics and repair of major component faults; it provides a work area and constitutes a communications center for Level I service technicians. Equipped with 3 fiber optic ports for external Internet Protocol (IP) support; backup radar support connectivity (RMSS) (fiber-optic link to radar interface at the same site (RIU) providing continuous remote diagnostic monitoring and logistics) and voice connectivity (VoIP Internet Protocol; supports both red and black networks.

Small Replacement Part Transporter (SRPT)

It plays the role of spare parts storage for the Patriot system and for the Integrated Battlefield Command System (IBCS), as necessary for remedying MEI faults.